One afternoon, soon after I moved into my Lokahndwala flat, I saw a bee in my living room. At some point it went out of the window. Then it came back again. I saw it go between some books on my bookshelf carrying a small leaf. And then it flew out again. And then in again. This was really beginning to irritate me. So I parted the books and out it flew, leaving a leaf behind. And there I saw, lying between my books, a tunnel-like nest that it had been making out of these leaves!!! Amazing thing! I took it out and took a photo of it (below) and then put it back inbetween the books but the bee never came back.
Only today did I find out that it had been a "leaf-cutter bee." These bees cut out small semi-circular parts from leaves and assemble them into a nest. So cool!
i know! i felt real bad about it later.